
Infographic: Q2 2023 | Semiconductors, Foundry Share and Smartphone AP Share

Infographic: Semiconductors Top 7 in Q2 2023

Intel maintained #1 place in Q2 2023 amid memory market slow down, which dragged down major memory players performance such as Samsung, SK Hynix and Micron. In addition, Nvidia took over the second place from Samsung due to the revenue booming on its data center business supported by strong AI server demand. Nvidia expects to see another wave of revenue growth in the upcoming quarter which could make its revenue expand again. Qualcomm’s revenue was capped by looming handset revenue and thus ranked #4 in the quarter. Broadcom and AMD’s revenues were relative resilient amid demand uncertainty.Counterpoint Semiconductor Top 7 Q2 2023

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Infographic: Global Smartphone AP Share in Q2 2023

Global Smartphone AP Market Share by Shipments

MediaTek dominated the smartphone SoC market with a share of 30% in Q2 2023. MediaTek’s shipments slightly increased in Q2 2023 as the inventory levels came down and the competition is growing in the entry level 5G. New smartphone launches in the low and mid-end segments have increased the shipments in Dimensity 6000, Dimensity 7000 series. Qualcomm captured a 29% share in the quarter. Qualcomm shipments increased by 14.5% sequentially in Q2 2023 due to the high shipment for flagship chipset Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. Also, Key design wins for the Snapdragon 600 and 400 series have also contributed to the growth of Qualcomm’s shipment in Q2 2023.

Global Smartphone AP Market Share by Revenue

Qualcomm dominated the AP market in Q2 2023 with a 40% revenue share. This growth is coming from the premium segment due to the adoption of snapdragon 8 gen 2 in Samsung flagship smartphones and Chinese OEMs. The launch of the Samsung Flip and Fold series has also contributed to this growth. Apple had a 33% share in the AP SoC market in Q2 2023 in terms of revenue. Apple’s share declined by 24% QoQ due to seasonality. The iPhone Pro series is doing better. MediaTek captured the third position with a share of 16% in the total global smartphone AP/SoC revenues. MediaTek revenue remained flat in Q2 2023 due to the weak demand and slow China market.

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Infographic: Foundry Revenue Share in Q2 2023

Foundry Companies’ Share by Revenue

TSMC maintained its leadership in the foundry market with a stable 59% market share in Q2 2023. In contrast, Samsung Foundry’s market share dipped by nearly 1% to 11%, primarily due to ongoing smartphone inventory adjustments and the loss of smartphone AP SoC orders from a US client. On the other hand, UMC saw an increase in market share, driven by the continued strength of DDICs and automotive applications in Q2 2023.

Foundry Industry Share by Technology Node

In Q2 2023, the 5/4nm segment continued to dominate the market, holding a significant 21% market share. This strength was driven by robust demand, particularly in the field of AI, with key customers like Nvidia and Broadcom fueling this momentum. In contrast, the 7/6nm segment experienced weakness due to a slower-than-expected recovery in the smartphone market. On the other hand, the 28/22nm segment remained robust, as demand for primary applications, including DDIC and automotive-related applications, remained strong throughout Q2 2023.Foundry companies share Q2 2023

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Global Smartphone Application Processor (AP) Market Share: By Quarter

Global Smartphone AP (Application Processor) Shipments Market Share: Q1 2022 to Q2 2023

Published Date: September 7, 2023

A repository of quarterly data for the global smartphone AP market based on smartphone AP/SoC shipment numbers.

Global Smartphone Application Processor (AP) Market Share: Q2 2023This data is based on the smartphone AP/SoC shipments

Note: Totals may not add up due to rounding

Global Smartphone Chipset Market Share (Q1 2022 – Q2 2023)
Brands Q1 2022 Q2 2022 Q3 2022 Q4 2022 Q1 2023 Q2 2023
Mediatek 36% 36% 35% 33% 33% 30%
Qualcomm 34% 32% 32% 19% 27% 29%
Apple 14% 13% 16% 28% 26% 19%
UNISOC 11% 11% 9% 11% 8% 15%
Samsung 5% 8% 8% 8% 4% 7%
1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Others 0% 0% 1% 1% 1% 1%

Source: Global Smartphone AP-SoC Shipments & Forecast Tracker by Model – Q2 2023


(Use the buttons below to download the complete chart)


Apple’s sales declined in Q2 2023 due to seasonality. Its Pro series did better.

MediaTek’s shipments increased slightly in Q2 2023 with reduced inventory levels and growing competition in the entry-level 5G smartphone market. New smartphone launches in the low-to-mid-end segments increased the shipments of Dimensity 6000 and Dimensity 7000 series. The Dimensity 9200 Plus was added to the premium tier.

Qualcomm’s shipments increased in Q2 2023 due to the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2’s adoption in Samsung’s flagship smartphones and by Chinese OEMs. The launch of Samsung’s Flip and Fold series also contributed to this growth. Qualcomm refreshed the Snapdragon 7 Gen 1, Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 and Snapdragon 4 Gen 1 series to gain some share back. However, the premium segment’s growth remained in focus.

Samsung’s shipments increased in Q2 2023. The Exynos 1330 and 1380’s launch added volumes to the low and mid-high segments.

UNISOC’s shipments grew in Q2 2023 after a weak Q1. It gained some share in the $100-$150 LTE segment. In H2 2023, as entry-level 5G smartphones pick up in regions like LATAM, SEA, MEA and Europe, UNISOC will gain some share.

For a more detailed smartphone AP-SoC shipments & forecast tracker, click below:

Global Smartphone AP-SOC Shipment & Forecast Tracker by Model – Q2 2023

This report tracks the smartphone AP/SoC Shipments by Model for all the vendors. The scope of this report is from the AP/SoC shipments from all the key vendors like Apple, Qualcomm, MediaTek, Huawei, Samsung, UNISOC and JLQ. We have covered all the main models starting from Q1 2020 to Q2 2023. We have also included a one-quarter forecast for Q3E 2023. This report will help you to understand the AP/SoC Market from the shipment perspective. Furthermore, we have also covered key specs for these AP/SoC covering market view by:

  • Network (4G/5G AP/SoC)
  • Foundry Details (like TSMC, Samsung. etc.)
  • Process node (5nm, 6nm, 8nm, etc.)
  • Manufacturing Process (FinFET, N7, N5, etc.)
  • CPU Cores Architecture and CPU Cores Count
  • Modem (External/Internal)
  • Modem Name
  • Secure Element Presence
  • Security Chip
  • AI Accelerator

For detailed insights on the data, please reach out to us at sales(at) If you are a member of the press, please contact us at press(at) for any media enquiries.

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Will Japan Curbs Hit China Semiconductor Self-reliance Plans?

Joining the US-led effort to restrict chipmaking equipment exports to China, Japan has put in place restrictions that are more draconian than that of the US and where the Japanese state has effectively taken control of the country’s semiconductor capital equipment market.

  • Japan is imposing export restrictions on 23 types of equipment used to make semiconductors. But instead of limiting the restrictions just to China, it has flipped the entire industry on its head.
  • Instead of being able to ship to anyone unless told not to, now the Japanese companies can’t ship to anyone unless they are allowed to.
  • This effectively gives the Japanese trade ministry life and death power over semiconductor equipment, which may prove to be detrimental to the local industry’s health in the long run.
  • Unlike the US Department of Commerce, where the presumption is denial of a license, it seems the Japanese Ministry of Trade will operate under the presumption of granting licenses.
  • Any other mode of operation would be highly detrimental to its own industry.
  • This represents a bigger step than what many analysts were expecting from Japan. It will really hinder China’s ability to manufacture chips at non-leading edge nodes below 20nm.
  • This was the weakness of the new measures announced by the US last October, as at 20nm-10nm, it is possible to build a fab using non-US equipment.
  • However, when you add Japan into the mix, this then becomes virtually impossible and there will be no point in buying machines from ASML, meaning that the combination of the US and Japan represents an effective embargo.
  • This means that China will now have to rely on domestically produced capital equipment which is going to be a real problem.
  • Although Huawei claims to be able to manufacture at 14nm, it did not say whether it could do so at volume with good yields which is what is required for Huawei to be able to use these chips economically in its products.
  • The net result is that Japan’s actions make the US actions far more effective and deal a blow to any workarounds that the Chinese may have found to build fabs without US equipment.
  • This reinforces the view that China is in real trouble when it comes to semiconductors, which will hamper and slow its rise as a technological superpower.
  • That being said, there will be a likely bounce in the Chinese economy in H2 2023, although the lack of action on stimulating the economy remains a cause for concern.
  • If it comes, the rising tide will lift all boats and especially the beleaguered technology sector.

Micron: A display of weakness

  • China’s review of Micron on “national security” grounds is a tit-for-tat retaliation that shows just how weak its hand is in the game of semiconductor brinksmanship.
  • The Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC) has said it would review Micron’s imports into China to ensure that using its products would not compromise the security of its information infrastructure.
  • It seems that this move has nothing to do with national security but is instead an attempt to damage US interests in China without compromising its own technological ambitions.
  • If China was really concerned about “national security”, it would be reviewing many other companies. But a blockade on the import of products from many of these companies would hurt China just as much as the US, if not more.
  • In the case of Micron, China can still buy the same products from South Korea or Japan with no ill effects on its development of technology.
  • This is precisely why Micron has been targeted. It is unlikely that other companies that export chips to China will be targeted as it would do more harm than good.
  • The move is also unlikely to give China much in the way of negotiating leverage and so this will prove to be an isolated incident that is pretty irrelevant to the overall technological and ideological struggle.

(This is a version of a blog that first appeared on Radio Free Mobile. All views expressed are Richard’s own.)

Infographic: Q3 2022 | Semiconductors, Foundry Share and Smartphone AP Share

Infographic: Semiconductors Top 7 in Q3 2022

Samsung again took the #1 place in the quarter, though its semiconductor revenue suffered headwinds on memory business performance, largely due to customers’ inventory adjustments. Intel’s revenue remained flattish compared to the previous quarter, as customers have relatively conservative views on both consumer and commercial markets. Overall, memory players reported soft results on inventory correction. Qualcomm and Broadcom, on the other hand, reported comparatively solid revenues on outperformance in the mobile/IoT and wireless/data center/broadband segments, with the former taking third place in the quarter.

Counterpoint Semiconductor Top 7 Q3 2022

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Infographic: Global Smartphone AP Share in Q3 2022

Global Smartphone AP Share by Shipments

MediaTek dominated the smartphone SoC market with a share of 35%. It leads the low-mid-tier wholesale price segment, driven by the Helio G series and Dimensity 700 series. There was a decline in MediaTek shipments in Q3 2022 compared to the previous quarter due to ongoing customer inventory adjustments, global macroeconomic conditions and weak China market. Qualcomm captured a 29% share in the quarter. The company maintained its position in the premium segment despite tough macroeconomic conditions and declining smartphone market.

Global Smartphone AP Share by Revenue

Qualcomm dominated the AP market in Q3 2022 with a 40% revenue share. Qualcomm’s share grew 29% YoY driven by the higher premium mix, which led to growth in the ASPs. The addition of the Snapdragon 8 Gen1 Plus in premium segments and a long-term agreement with Samsung for premium segment phones has driven the premium tier’s growth.
Apple had a 28% share in the AP SoC market in Q3 2022 in terms of revenue. Apple’s smartphone revenue increased 4 % in Q3 2022 due to the launch of the new iPhone 14 Pro and its variants with the A16 Bionic chip. MediaTek captured a 21% share in the AP market. MediaTek’s revenues declined slightly YoY in Q3 2022 due to order cuts from major Chinese OEMs.

Global Smartphone AP Market Share Q3 2022

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Infographic: Foundry Revenue Share in Q3 2022

Foundry Companies’ Share by Revenue

TSMC was the winner in Q3 2022 by gaining 200-300bps of market share, driven by a significant ramp-up of 4/5nm products including new iPhones AP (A16) and AMD/NVIDIA’s new HPC chips. Samsung’s sales were negatively impacted by the order cuts for Android smartphone SoCs and GPUs. Other foundries, including UMC, GF and SMIC, were relatively stable on both utilization rate and average wafer price during the quarter. Some wafer demand declined sharply, like in the case of DDIC and low-end CIS, lowering the sales on legacy 8-inch foundry vendors.

Foundry Revenue Share by Technology Nodes

5/4nm replaced 7/6nm as the largest technology nodes in Q3 2022 foundry sales, as TSMC contributed over 80% of 5/4nm sales. On the other hand, we observed the weakness of 7/6nm due
to slowing mid-end smartphone and discrete GPU (dGPU) sell-through in the supply chain as the inventory correction cycle seemed just in the beginning. For matured nodes, demand on 22/28nm stayed solid due to increasing new applications/new products, including wireless, MCU and driver ICs.

Counterpoint Foundry Share Q3 2022

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Infographic: Global Smartphone AP Market Share | Q2 2022

Global Smartphone AP Market Share by Shipments

MediaTek dominated the smartphone SoC market with a share of 39%. MediaTek leads the low-mid tier wholesale price segment, driven by its Helio G series and Dimensity 700 series. There is a slight decline in MediaTek shipments in Q2 2022 compared to the previous quarter due to order cuts from major Chinese OEMs. Qualcomm captured a 29% share in the quarter. Qualcomm maintained its position in the premium segment despite tough macroeconomic situations and the declining smartphone market.

Global Smartphone AP Market Share by Revenue

Qualcomm has dominated the AP market by 44% in terms of revenue in Q2 2022. The share for Qualcomm has grown 56% YoY in Q2 2022 driven by the higher premium mix which has led to growth in the ASPs. Also, the recently announced partnership between Qualcomm and Samsung for the galaxy s22 family will support the revenues for the premium tier. MediaTek has captured a 22% share in the AP market. Qualcomm further gains revenues from baseband shipped to Apple. MediaTek’s revenue was driven by the higher 5G ASP and entry into the premium market with Dimensity 9000 series.

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TSMC Captures 70% Share of the Smartphone AP/SoC and Baseband Shipments in Q1 2022

New Delhi, London, Hong Kong, San Diego, Seoul – July 6, 2022

Global smartphone chipset (SoC/AP+Baseband) shipment declined 5% YoY in Q1 2022 due to seasonality, weaker demand in China amid lockdowns and over shipping from some chipset vendors in Q4 2021, according to the Counterpoint’s Foundry and Chipset Tracker. However, this decline was offset by strong growth in the chipset revenues which grew a healthy 23% YoY in Q1 2022, as the chipset mix shifted towards costlier 5G smartphones. TSMC, the world’s largest foundry, captured nearly 70% share of manufacturing the key chipsets going into the smartphones from the complete System-on-Chip (SoC) to discrete Application Processors (AP) and cellular modems. Samsung Foundry was the second-largest foundry behind TSMC capturing a 30% share of the global smartphone chipsets.

Global Smartphone Chipset (AP SOC) Shipment Share by Foundry Q1 2022

Source: Counterpoint’s Foundry and AP/SoC service

Note: Total shipments include the AP/SoC and discrete baseband


Commenting on the foundry landscape for smartphone segment, Senior Research Analyst, Parv Sharma, said, “Foundries are extremely high CAPEX, cutting-edge technology businesses which have led to a duopoly for manufacturing advanced chipsets for smartphones. TSMC and Samsung Foundry together control the entire smartphone chipset market and TSMC is more than double Samsung in terms of manufacturing scale and market share. TSMC CAPEX spending is much higher than the competitors. It will invest $100 billion between 2021-2023 in 5/4nm and 3nm chip fabrication facilities, WFE, 3D packaging, and ramp up for 5/4nm and 28nm to meet the growing demand. Thus enabling TSMC to capture a large share in the advanced nodes.

TSMC based smartphone chipsets declined 9% annually in Q1 2022. Due to Qualcomm choosing Samsung Foundry for manufacturing X60 baseband and annual decline in the MediaTek smartphone chipset shipments. However, Qualcomm dual sourcing strategy will add more volumes towards TSMC in 2022. Also the ramp-up of the 4nm flagships from Qualcomm, Apple and MediaTek will enable TSMC to further gain share in smartphone chipsets in 2022.

Of the total smartphone chipsets on advanced nodes (4nm, 5nm, 6nm and 7nm), TSMC captured 65%. TSMC entered mass production for its leading 4nm process node with MediaTek’s Dimensity 9000 SoC in Q1 2022. TSMC’s 4nm node-based smartphone chipset shipments are expected to grow further thanks to Qualcomm’s dual sourcing strategy for its future 4nm based Snapdragon 8+ Gen 1 SoC.”

Leading Nodes share of Smartphone Chipsets shipments

Source: Counterpoint’s Foundry and AP/SoC service

Commenting on Samsung Foundry’s performance, Senior Analyst Jene Park, said, “Samsung Foundry captured around 30% share of the global smartphone chipset shipments thanks to Qualcomm and Samsung Semiconductor’s internal Exynos chipset division. Despite relatively lower yield rates for the leading 4nm process node, Samsung Foundry led the leading nodes (4nm & 5nm) smartphone chipset shipments with a healthy 60% share followed by TSMC which captured a 40% share in Q1 2022. The 4nm shipments at Samsung Foundry were driven by Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 which has gained more than 75% share in the Samsung Galaxy S22 series in just one quarter. Samsung Foundry also benefitted from refreshed mid-tier 5nm based 5G chipset Exynos 1280 for its higher volume Galaxy A53 and A33 smartphones.

However, the uncertain global macroeconomic climate, potential inventory corrections and dual-sourcing from Qualcomm could put pressure on Samsung Foundry’s market share overall as well as leading nodes.”

Full report

Global Smartphone AP-SOC Revenue & Forecast Tracker by Model – Q1 2022



Parv Sharma

Jene Park

Dale Gai

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Infographic: Q1-2022 | Global Smartphone AP Market Share

Global Smartphone AP Market Share by Shipments

MediaTek led the smartphone SoC market with a share of 38%. The company has recorded an impressive set of numbers, 5G shipments grew 20% YoY in Q1 2022. MediaTek dominates the low-mid tier wholesale price segment, driven by its Dimensity 700 and Dimensity 900 series.

Global Smartphone AP Market Share by Revenue 

Qualcomm has dominated the AP market in terms of revenue in Q1 2022 owing to strong premium-tier sales. Supply improved and Qualcomm made flagship design wins with all major Chinese brands. These devices are now hitting the market. It is a feather in Qualcomm’s cap that Samsung has increased the variants of its Galaxy S22 line-up powered by Snapdragon.

Infographic Global Smartphone AP Market Share Q1 2022 Counterpoint Research

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Infographic: Q4 2021 | Semiconductors

Semiconductor Top 7 by revenues, Q4 2021:

Samsung took the lead in 2021 with a strong DRAM and NAND flash market performance at the expense of Intel’s relatively flattish results. Major smartphone SoC and GPU vendors also enjoyed strong growth in the year with over 50% YoY revenue increase. In addition, we saw 27% YoY revenue growth among the top 15 vendors, outperforming global semiconductor revenue growth and implying another year of centralized semiconductor industry.

Foundry Industry Share by revenues, Q4 2021

TSMC reported stronger than expected Q4 2021 revenue driven by major smartphone (Apple) and HPC (AMD) clients and secured 56% of global foundry market share. SMIC also delivered higher sales growth from increasing wafer price and local client demand. In 2021, worldwide foundry revenue reached USD100 billion milestone with 27% year-over-year growth from 2020.

Smartphone AP Market Share by shipments, Q4 2021

MediaTek led the smartphone SoC market with a share of 33%. Its smartphone SoC volumes declined this quarter due to the high shipments in the first half and inventory corrections from Chinese smartphone OEMs. Qualcomm recorded a very strong quarter, growing 18% QoQ and 33% YoY. Qualcomm was able to prioritize high-end Snapdragon sales, which come with higher profitability and less impact from shortages than mid-end and low-end mobile handsets.

Counterpoint Research Infographic Q4 2021 Semiconductors

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UNISOC’s Smartphone Application Processor Shipments Doubled in H1 2021

AP shipments of the UNISOC embedded smartphones increased 122% in H1 2021

Beijing, Boston, Toronto, London, New Delhi, Hong Kong, Taipei, Seoul – August 17, 2021

UNISOC-powered smartphones’ Application Processor (AP) shipments soared in the first half of 2021, up 122% compared to the first half of 2020, according to the Counterpoint Smartphone AP Shipment Tracker. For the second quarter of 2021, UNISOC ranked fourth in the market with an 8.4% share and ranked third in the open market (excluding Apple).

Commenting on the performance of the Chinese fabless chip designer, Research Analyst Parv Sharma said, “UNISOC’s smartphone AP chipset shipments more than doubled in the first half of 2021 compared to the first half of 2020. This year, the company has succeeded in expanding its customer base, securing a series of design wins with major OEMs like HONOR, realme and Motorola. In its home market, the UNISOC T610 and T740 have been successfully adopted by ZTE, Hisense and HONOR. This improved acceptance of UNISOC-powered smartphones by Chinese consumers is a positive signal for its growth in the second half of 2021.”

In addition, UNISOC has been a key partner for operators and local brands in growth markets like LATAM and MEA, which had been contributing a significant share in UNISOC’s chip shipments. We expect the company to maintain this growth momentum.

Exhibit1: UNISOC Smartphone Chipset Shipments by Quarter




Counterpoint Technology Market Research is a global research firm specializing in products in the TMT (technology, media and telecom) industry. It services major technology and financial firms with a mix of monthly reports, customized projects, and detailed analyses of the mobile and technology markets. Its key analysts are seasoned experts in the high-tech industry.

Analyst Contacts:

Parv Sharma



Ethan Qi


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MediaTek Becomes Biggest Smartphone Chipset Vendor for First Time in Q3 2020

  • More than 100 million smartphones were sold globally with MediaTek chipsets in Q3 2020.
  • Qualcomm led the market for 5G chipsets in Q3 2020.

New Delhi, Mumbai, Hong Kong, Seoul, San Diego, London, Buenos Aires – December 24, 2020

MediaTek became the biggest smartphone chipset vendor with 31% market share in Q3 2020 as smartphone sales rebounded in the quarter, according to Counterpoint estimates. MediaTek’s strong performance in the $100-$250 price band and growth in key regions like China and India helped it become the biggest smartphone chipset vendor.

Meanwhile, Qualcomm was the biggest 5G chipset vendor in Q3 2020. It powered 39% of the 5G phones sold worldwide. The demand for 5G smartphones doubled in Q3 2020 – 17% of all smartphones sold in Q3 2020 were 5G. This impressive growth trajectory is going to continue, more so with Apple launching its 5G line-up. One-third of all smartphones shipped in Q4 2020 are expected to be 5G enabled. There is still a chance Qualcomm will regain the top position in Q4 2020.Counterpoint - Global Smartphone Chipset Market Share, Q3 2020 vs Q3 2019

Commenting on MediaTek’s market share gain, Research Director Dale Gai said, “MediaTek’s strong market share gain in Q3 2020 happened due to three reasons – strong performance in the mid-end smartphone price segment ($100-$250) and emerging markets like LATAM and MEA, the US ban on Huawei and finally wins in leading OEMs like Samsung, Xiaomi and Honor. The share of MediaTek chipsets in Xiaomi has increased by more than three times since the same period last year. MediaTek was also able to leverage the gap created due to the US ban on Huawei. Affordable MediaTek chips fabricated by TSMC became the first option for many OEMs to quickly fill the gap left by Huawei’s absence. Huawei had also previously purchased a significant amount of chipsets ahead of the ban.”

Gai added, “On the other hand, Qualcomm also posted strong share gains (from a year ago) in the high-end segment in Q3 2020, again thanks to HiSilicon’s supply issues. However, Qualcomm faced competition from MediaTek in the mid-end segment. We believe both will continue to compete intensively through aggressive pricing, and mainstream 5G SoC products into 2021.”Counterpoint - Smartphone Chipset Vendor Share by Region, Q3 2020 vs Q3 2019

Commenting on the growth strategies of Qualcomm and MediaTek, Research Analyst Ankit Malhotra said, “Qualcomm and MediaTek have both reshuffled their portfolios, and consumer focus has played a key role here. Last year, MediaTek launched a new gaming-based G-series, while Dimensity chipsets have helped in bringing 5G to affordable categories. The world’s cheapest 5G device, the realme V3, is powered by MediaTek.”

Commenting on the outlook for chipset vendors, Malhotra said, “The immediate focus of chipset vendors will be to bring 5G to the masses, which will then unlock the potential of consumer 5G use cases like cloud gaming, which in turn will lead to higher demand for higher clocked GPUs and more powerful processors. Qualcomm and MediaTek will continue to contend for the top position.”


Counterpoint Technology Market Research is a global research firm specializing in Technology products in the TMT industry. It services major technology firms and financial firms with a mix of monthly reports, customized projects and detailed analysis of the mobile and technology markets. Its key analysts are experts in the industry with an average tenure of 13 years in the high-tech industry.

Analyst Contacts:

Ankit Malhotra

Dale Gai

Tarun Pathak
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